Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year...New Focus

2011 was a challenging, but GREAT year for Faith Inspired Photography!  And it would not have been without the love and support of my wonderful friends and clients!  "Thank You" is simply not enough.  I have learned SO many things and am continually blessed by the ways that I am touched through working with all of you.

I do apologize for not doing a better job of keeping this blog up to date.  One of the things that I am hoping to master this year, is how to more effectively use it and the Facebook page together.  Pray for this technologically-impaired girl as I work through this! :o)  As with all things, I am a work in progress! 

Which, I think was obvious to everyone this year...
Except me.

Not that I thought I was perfect and couldn't stand to improve.  Quite the contrary, actually.  I had it in my head, that I had control over all of this and if I wasn't the best or a session didn't go perfectly, that I was a failure.  That if I didn't master everything there is to know about photography (and there is ALOT), then I wasn't fit to call myself a photographer.  That if a toddler screamed through an entire session, somehow, that was on me too.  That if I didn't do indoor photography or had a smaller camera than someone else, I was less.  And that if new clients didn't call, it was because I had nothing to offer them.  I could go on and on, but I'll spare you the gory details.  It was ridiculous.

As it turns out, I am human.  All photographers are.  Shocking right?!  This revelation is baffling even to me.  And, as difficult as it is for me to digest it, it is SUCH a relief at the same time.  I am a work in progress. And the best thing about that is that it means I am progressing...growing...changing...all the time.  I am SO not done.  And if I can be confident in nothing else in this world, I can be confident that He who began a good work in me, will follow it through to completion (Phil. 1:6).  Thank you, Jesus!  I am His.  As are my talents or gifts.  My job is NOT to be the perfect photographer.  My job is to use my gifts and talents to bring Him glory.  To love people by giving of myself and the skills He has given me to the best of my ability.  To be content with the tools He has given me to make that happen.  To not be discouraged by the unkindness that has occasionally reared it's ugly head.  To just continue on trusting in Him and His plan for me.  That is all I can do.  He will do the rest. 

In 2012, Jesus will stay the focus of all that I do.

I'm pretty sure this doesn't reflect the business model that most professionals would use and that's okay with me.  This entire post might seem too personal and VERY unprofessional.  Also okay.  I like "real" better than "professional" anyway.

Now, here is the fine print in my little vision...Lame, I know, but it has to be said and done.  I do not believe that the Lord wants me to be a poor businesswoman either.  Or naive.  And I have been.  I want so badly to be liked, to please people, and to have return clients, that I have been lax in my policies & procedures.  I have not been a good steward of my business and that has to change.  I appreciate those of you who understand and support that.  Please take a few minutes to get some FAQ answers and also make note of some changes in Pricing.  As always, if you have ANY questions at all, please don't hesitate to email me!

I am VERY excited for all that the Lord has in store for us this year!  I have been working on several new shooting and editing techniques and have some excellent session ideas in store so please stay tuned for what's to come!  I pray that the Lord continues to bless this adventure by allowing me to do what I love and capture life with all of you!!!


  1. I love this post and I love you and how real you are! I am honored to call you a dear friend. Thank you for being here for me in personal and photography matters! You are an amazing woman! I can see God in every aspect of your life. You ROCK!!!

  2. I love your honesty! I also completely understand. So...I am in need of a photographer. I tried clicking on your "contact me" tab but it wasn't working. Please email me at to discuss a future photo session for myself and my two boys (Larry-hubby and Mylan-son).

