I can't believe Chandler Hope is one week old today!!! I ADORE working with this family more than words can say! For more of this shoot, visit my Facebook!!!
Today, it was my honor and privilege to help welcome Chandler Hope McCracken into the world! SUCH an exciting, beautiful thing to experience and help capture for this family! Thank you, again, McCracken's for this opportunity!!! For more of this beautiful shoot, visit my Facebook!
When I was asked to act as a photographer for the Friends of the Keeper PowWow celebration this weekend, I had no idea that I was in for such a rewarding experience! I have NEVER seen anything like this! If you ever have the opportunity to attend something like it, do not hesitate! The atmosphere has such an energy about it. Most beautiful, was the essence of family. Every person there seemed connected somehow. It was lovely to watch the mom's and aunt's and grandma's getting the little one's ready to dance. The men...They stood with such pride and integrity. The women...With grace and an elegance that I can only hope to possess even an ounce of one day. And, with every color, every bead, every line in each elder's face, another trace of the tradition that they are carrying on and demonstrating to their children. I will never forget this as long as I live! I took a little over 1400 photos and haven't even put a dent in the editing yet, but for more on this beautiful event & as progress unfolds, please visit my Facebook page!